Temporary tax credit for employers required to grant bike allowance

Temporary tax credit for employers required to grant bike allowance

February 2024 - Employers who have to grant bicycle allowances to their employees based on NAR CBA No 164 can temporarily count on tax compensation in the form of a tax credit.

As of 1 May 2023, it will be compulsory for employers who regularly cycle to work with their employees to pay a bicycle allowance. In 2023, this will be 0.145 euro per kilometre travelled, with a maximum of 20 kilometres per single trip (of 40 kilometres per day). Please note that the above regulation does not apply to toepassing within the parity committee of the company. If this is not the case, this will prevent the transfer from taking place.

Fiscal compensation

The above obligation entails additional costs for the company. This means that the overpayment is offset in the form of a tax credit. This can reduce the burden of debt on the balance sheet.

This provision specifies that 'the liability of the legal person shall be the liability of the company', de rechtspersonenbelasting, de belasting van niet-inwoners on specific voorwaarden a belastingkrediet wordt verleend voor de verhoging van de fietskilometervergoeding zij toekennen voor de verplaatsingen in de periode van 1 mei 2023 tot 31 december 2024".

Ask about your credit rating

Companies that make a claim on the tax credit for the bicycle allowance must declare this to the tax administration by means of a signed document at the time of their tax payment. The following provisions shall apply:

·      the amount of the reference kilometre allowance

·      the total number of kilometres travelled in the period covered by the bicycle kilometre allowance for work trips, in accordance with article 164 of the Code of Administrative Procedure

·      a verification that the number of kilometres per bicycle is not exceeded.