Targeted recruitment: how to attract talent that really makes a difference

Targeted recruitment: how to attract talent that really makes a difference

August 2024 - More and more companies are adopting targeted recruitment, a strategy aimed at attracting employees who are not only qualified, but who also fit in with the company's mission and values... Targeted recruitment is therefore not just a buzzword, but an essential strategy for companies seeking to grow and make a lasting impact...

What is targeted recruitment?

The objective of recruitment goes beyond simply filling vacancies. It's about attracting talent that feels intrinsically linked to the company's objective. This means that companies are not just interested in what a candidate can do, but above all in what motivates and drives them. When employees can identify with their employer's mission, they tend to be more motivated, more productive and stay with the company longer.

At a time when employees are looking more than ever to give meaning to their work, a clear and authentic raison d'être can make all the difference in attracting the best talent. Companies that place their purpose at the heart of their recruitment strategy enjoy a significant competitive advantage. Not only do they attract the best candidates, but they also create a working environment where employees feel connected and where they can achieve their full potential.

Targeted recruitment and employer branding

Targeted recruitment also plays a crucial role in employer branding. Companies that clearly communicate their mission and values become more attractive to candidates who want to work for something bigger than themselves. This not only strengthens its appeal to potential employees, but also the loyalty of current employees.

How does targeted recruitment work?

Targeted recruitment starts by defining a clear objective for the company. Companies need to clearly explain their mission and how this translates into their day-to-day activities. This objective must be communicated authentically and consistently, both internally and externally.

The recruitment strategy is then adapted accordingly. This means that companies need to examine not only the technical skills of candidates, but also their personal values and how these align with those of the company... This can be done, for example, by asking targeted questions during job interviews or by using psychometric tests that measure candidates' values and motivations.

Benefits of targeted recruitment

Companies that apply this strategy effectively see an improvement not only in the quality of their recruitment, but also in the commitment and retention of their employees. Employees who feel connected to their company's purpose are generally more motivated, more productive and less likely to change jobs.

Targeted recruitment also contributes to the development of a stronger corporate culture. When everyone in the company is committed to the same mission, it creates a sense of unity and shared responsibility. This strengthens cooperation and can lead to better business results.