Holidays 2024: don't forget to fix replacement days by 15 December 2023!

Holidays 2024: don't forget to fix replacement days by 15 December 2023!

November 2023 - The following holidays will apply in 2024:

·      New Year: Monday, 1 January

·      Easter Monday: Monday 1 April

·      Labour Day: Wednesday 1 May

·      Ascension Day: Thursday 9 May

·      Whit Monday: Monday 20 May

·      National Day: Sunday 21 July

·      Assumption Day: Thursday, 15 August

·      All Saints' Day: Friday, 1 November

·      Armistice Day: Monday, November 11

·      Christmas: Wednesday 25 December

Private sector employees may not be employed during these holidays. However, an employer must pay wages for these public holidays.

A public holiday that coincides with a Sunday or a regular inactivity day in the company must be replaced by a regular working day in the same year.

The replacement day may be fixed (cascading):

·      either at the sectoral level within the joint committee;

·      either by a decision of the works council or trade union delegation or a collective agreement between the employer and all employees;

·      or through an individual agreement between the employer and each employee.

If no agreement is reached at any of these levels, the public holiday is replaced by the first day following the public holiday on which normal work is carried out in the company.


The replacement days must be posted on the company premises by 15 December 2023 through a dated and signed notice.

A copy of that notice must be attached to the labour regulations and delivered to Supervision of Social Laws.