Don't forget your Reprobel declaration!

Don't forget your Reprobel declaration!

May 2024 - In early 2022, many entrepreneurs got acquainted for the first time with Reprobel, the body responsible for the collection and redistribution of reproduction remunerations. Again this year, many entrepreneurs received a letter or e-mail asking them to submit their returns before 30 April 2024. What do you need to know about this?

Reprobel is the body responsible for collecting reproduction remunerations (read: remunerations for making prints and photocopies - digital or otherwise - of copyrighted works for internal use). Because every time an employee copies a photo or text or plucks it from the internet, copyright is due on it. As management company collecting the rights, Reprobel campaigned in 2023 to make companies more aware of this.

As an entrepreneur, did you receive a letter or e-mail? Then you are obliged to file a declaration. This can be done via the digital Reprobel portal. To be legally covered, you can buy a combined licence. This covers reproductions of both digital and printed works.

Especially in the group of smaller companies and the self-employed, the number of declarations rose sharply, by some 15,000 to 62,500. About half of newly founded companies and start-ups subscribe to the combined licence immediately.

Were no photocopies taken in your company during the reference year 2023? If so, you can file a zero declaration.