Don't be surprised by deadlines: what are the key dates in the fiscal year 2023 calendar?

Don't be surprised by deadlines: what are the key dates in the fiscal year 2023 calendar?

February 2023 – As an entrepreneur or accountant, your calendar quickly fills up with various appointments and deadlines. It is best to mark the dates of the annual tax calendar in fluorescent letters so that you are always in order with pre-payments and returns, among other things. That way, you avoid annoying fines.

Beware, as businesses or self-employed people who fail to file their VAT returns or file them late will receive a proposal of substitute returns from 2024. In other words, they will have to pay extra taxes.

So don't be surprised by tax deadlines. What dates should you take into account during the first quarter of 2023?

January 2023

  • 5 January: NSSO

  • 13 January: payroll withholding tax

  • 20 January: VAT

  • 31 January: NSSO statement

February 2023

  • 3 February : NSSO

  • 15 February: payroll withholding tax

  • 20 February: VAT

  • 28 February: sheets 281.10 and 20

March 2023

  • 3 March : NSSO

  • 15 March: payroll withholding tax

  • 20 March: VAT

  • 31 March: VAT listing

Download the fiscal year calendar 2023

Curious about the key deadlines during the other quarters of this year? Download the full fiscal year 2023 calendar here.