Deadline to apply for energy subsidies Brussels businesses move up two months

Deadline to apply for energy subsidies Brussels businesses move up two months

August 2023 - Brussels businesses looking to reduce their energy consumption can still apply for a premium for investments or consultancy via the Brussels Economy and Employment website until 11 September 2023. The deadline thus moves forward by two months.

The premiums are intended to provide additional support to Brussels businesses in light of the energy crisis caused by the war in Ukraine. Originally, Brussels companies had to submit their applications by the end of July, but the deadline is thus postponed to allow more companies to apply for the temporary support measure.

Nothing changes to the conditions and procedure from the Premium Decree of 30 March 2023. The premium amounts also remain the same. The support for investments is limited to a maximum of EUR 50,000, and that for engaging consultancy to a maximum of EUR 15,000.

Conditions for support

1. The company must be located in the Brussels Capital Region.

2. The company turned over a turnover of more than

● €50,000 if one establishment unit was located in the Brussels Capital Region on 31 December 2021,

● € 75,000 in case of two establishment units,

● €100,000 in case of at least three establishment units.

3. Turnover shall be determined on the basis of the information contained in the receipts of VAT returns for 2022 dating back to 13 March 2023 at the latest.

4. The company must operate in a so-called energy-sensitive or very energy-sensitive sector.

5. In 2022, compared to 2021, the company had to bear an energy surcharge of at least €1,667.

You can apply for the premium until 11 September via this link :

Primes Energie pour les entreprises bruxelloises | Bruxelles Économie et Emploi (