May 2023 – As an SME entrepreneur, you invest a lot of time and resources every day to grow your business successfully. Subsidies can give you and your team an interesting financial boost in this regard. Unfortunately, many business leaders can no longer see the trees through the subsidy jungle. ➤
New disability regulations: what measures should you consider in 2023?
Calculating stock costs: the 'r' of interest, space and risk
Digital administration: advantages and approach
Starting out as a collaborating partner or spouse? This you need to know
Electronic invoicing: state of play in 5 questions and answers
What does divorce mean for my business?
Mandatory bike allowance from 1 May 2023: what do you need to know about this?
Firing staff? This is how to do it correctly
Looking for capital for your business? Don't bet on just one horse
As a business leader, how do you determine your ideal remuneration?
Size criteria for enterprises: the impact on tax rates and filing annual accounts
No indexation of some tax limit amounts: an invisible tax increase?
Finance Minister Vincent Van Peteghem's tax reform: how could it impact your business?
Dare to ask: what advice can you turn to your accountant for?
Artificial intelligence in your SME: worth the investment?
Insurance for entrepreneurs: how do you best protect yourself and your staff?
Whistleblowers: internal procedure and reporting channel mandatory
As an employer, how do you contribute to your employees' pensions?
Marketing within the GDPR legislation: 6 questions
March 2023 – The GDPR legislation forces organisations, including sole proprietorships and SMEs, to handle privacy-sensitive data carefully. Collecting data for marketing purposes is subject to strict rules. What is allowed and what is not? Below we answer six frequently asked questions about GDPR. ➤