April 2021 – This overview of the main indexed personal income tax amounts only includes the federal amounts. The tax reductions and other amounts determined by the regions are not included. ⟶
Single shareholder in an SA/NV or SRL/BV: it is possible, but...
Capital gains and reinvestment: no additional period due to coronavirus
Additional activities in 2021
Exempt salary bonuses increasingly popular
April 2021 – "Non-recurring benefits linked to results". This is the exact name of the benefits that an employer can distribute to his staff free of tax and, in part, also free of social security contributions. The scheme has already existed since 2008. The new ceilings for benefits paid from 1 January 2021 are now known.
Recovery of pay in lieu of notice: who pays the withholding tax?
VAT control of permanently loss-making activities
March 2021 – Anyone who turns his hobby (which has become too big) into an independent activity to be able to deduct losses from other income must be careful. Thanks to the datamining, the tax authorities identify companies that are permanently in deficit and, after control, reduce the loss of the activity to zero. ⟶
A director's mandate... to have enough members
March 2021 – Being a director of a company or a ASBL/VZW has legal consequences, even if you only exercise this mandate pro forma or as a service to a friend. The Court of Cassation confirms that an individual director is required to supervise co-directors, even if this was not the real purpose of his mandate. ⟶
New support measure: exemption from payment of withholding tax for worker training
A transaction with the tax authorities is not deductible as a business expense
March 2021 – In 2014, the tax authorities conclude an agreement with a company and the directors of this company concerning the payment of the tax evaded. In addition to the taxes, the company pays a transactional amount. The Income Tax Code prohibits the deduction of fines. But does a transactional fine constitute such a non-deductible fine? ⟶
How to correct annual accounts?
March 2021 – The possibility to rectify annual accounts has in fact only been enshrined in law with the new Code of Companies and Associations (CSA). In mid-2020, the CNC has adapted its old notice (from 2014) to this new legal framework. There are two different ways of correcting or amending approved annual accounts. ⟶
The tax authorities can access the balance of your bank account
Selling price too low: taxation on the part of the buyer?
March 2021 – Mr X buys a house from company A, in which his father was a shareholder. According to the tax authorities, the house was sold at a price lower than its real value. The taxman therefore wants to tax the advantage to X as miscellaneous income. The Brussels court called the tax authorities to order. ⟶
Extension of the period of validity of meal vouchers and other cheques
The digital general meeting of your company
March 2021 – At the end of March 2020, at the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, the government had proposed a temporary solution for company general meetings. On the one hand, they were generally postponed and on the other hand, they could be held digitally. At the end of 2020, the legislator drew up a more definitive solution. ⟶
Thresholds of remuneration applicable for attachment or assignment
Purchase price on a blocked account: posting
Corona commercial lease loans
Notional interest deduction rates for the 2021 and 2022 tax years
Company cars: benefits of all kinds in 2021
February 2021 – Where an employer makes a company car available to an employee or a manager of an undertaking, that employee or manager is taxed on the resulting benefit. The calculation of the benefit depends, among other things, on the CO2 emission of the vehicle in relation to the average emission of the Belgian car fleet. In 2020, after two years of increase, this average emission has gone down again. This is good news for the climate, but not so good news for your wallet. ⟶