Q2 - 2021

Win-win loan or friendly action: Flemish companies can choose

Win-win loan or friendly action: Flemish companies can choose

April 2021 – The Flemish government wants to give Flemish companies a boost in the wake of the coronavirus crisis by giving private individuals a tax incentive to invest. On the one hand, it offers them the possibility to invest via a "winwinlening" (a subordinated loan). On the other hand, since 11 February 2021, it offers… ⟶

Current account: the maximum interest rate is known

Current account: the maximum interest rate is known

April 2021 – As a company director, if you grant a loan to your company, you must ensure that the amount of the loan does not exceed the company's equity capital and that the interest rate you receive does not exceed the market rate. If you exceed either of these limits, the part of the interest that exceeds the limit will… ⟶