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Do yourself and your accountant a favour with this good habit ...

Do yourself and your accountant a favour with this good habit ...

March 2023 – Do you upload your invoices to your accountant only once a month or quarterly? This article will tell you why it is better to be shorter. You will be doing both yourself and your accountant a favour.

The days of the jam-packed shoebox containing all the invoices of the past quarter are long gone. Today, most entrepreneurs (hopefully) upload their invoices digitally via Dropbox, Google Drive or another communication platform directly to their accountant.

Once a month or every day?

Much more accessible and efficient, of course, but far from ideal. Because a lot of entrepreneurs still wait too long before sharing their invoices. They collect their invoices once a month or quarter and send them in bulk to their accountant. Just as they did with their shoebox ...

From mandatory tax number ...

In doing so, they not only cause their accountant, who has to plough through all those documents in record time, unnecessary deadline stress, it also limits the usefulness of accounting as a tool for analysing the financial state of their business. In the absence of up-to-date figures, your accounts are nothing more than a liability that you are only doing the taxman a favour with.

... to an insightful financial tool

The faster your invoices reach your accountant, the faster they are processed for accounting purposes. If you upload all incoming and outgoing invoices to your accountant on a daily basis, he or she will be able to work with them immediately? So your business results are always up-to-date too. And so you transform your accounting from a compulsory number for the tax authorities into a vibrantly up-to-date and insightful tool that helps you keep your finger on the pulse of your business.

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