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Cyber security within SMEs: this is how to protect your business

Cyber security within SMEs: this is how to protect your business

July 2023 - One in four SMEs experienced cybercrime in the past 12 months. This is according to a survey by Allianz. How do you protect yourself against hacking, phishing and digital blackmail?

A false sense of security

Despite the clear figures, most SME entrepreneurs think they will be spared from cybercrime due to their limited size. A false sense of security, of course, as small SMEs are also targeted by hackers.

To protect themselves from cyber attacks, most companies today use strong passwords, a virus scanner and encrypted digital files that are also backed up regularly. These are all fine measures to keep cybercriminals out, but they are not enough.

Inform your employees about cyber security

Indeed, strong cyber security depends on how employees handle e-mails, data and the internet. And there is the rub: a lot of SMEs forget about the human factor in cybercrime. One wrong click and an entire network can go down or confidential data can end up in the wrong hands.

Establish a cybersecurity plan

And so the first order of business in any company that takes cybercrime seriously must be: raise awareness and inform your people! Too many business owners still think that their employees will automatically know what is and is not safe behaviour online, but this turns out not to be true. Therefore, install a number of security protocols that all employees must follow, and repeat them regularly too.

Government support for cybersecurity investments

The government provides financial support to companies wishing to invest in cybersecurity in a number of ways. 

1/ SME portfolio for cybersecurity advice and training

Want to follow an education or training course on cyber security? For certain courses, you can call on the SME portfolio to train your staff more cheaply. Small businesses can obtain a financial intervention of up to 45 per cent.

2/ Cybersecurity improvement pathways

VLAIO, the Flemish government's Innovation and Entrepreneurship Agency, selected eight service providers that support SMEs and bespoke companies in sustainably strengthening their cybersecurity. You can get up to half of your investment back up to a maximum of 35,000 euros. 

3/ Innovation support for research and development

Do you want to realise new digital solutions? Pay sufficient attention to cybersecurity from the start. Via a development or research project, the Flemish government will give you a financial boost.

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